BUFALA Decapitato in Siria sacerdote che pregava sul suo altare

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Mi segnalano un tweet pubblicato il 16 marzo in cui si associa una foto alla decapitazione di un presunto sacerdote cristiano:


Questa foto circola da anni e venne spesso associata in maniera scorretta ad un presunto sacerdote cristiano di nome Boulos Yakoub o Paul Jacob che sarebbe stato decapitato a Mosul (Iraq) nel febbraio 2015:

Through a public proclamation, on February 2, the Islamic State announced that it had executed yet another Christian priest in Mosul — Paul Jacob, the parson of a church in eastern Iraqi city who was kidnapped eight months ago. His parish was also blown up. The execution reportedly took place in Ghazlani Camp in southern Mosul where a militia camp is located.

La foto venne pubblicata sempre il 4 febbraio 2015 dal sito Alalam.ir per riportare la condanna a morte di un cittadino siriano a Raqqa. La colpa? Commercio di stupefacenti. Tale notizia viene riportata anche dal sito Syriahr.com il 20 febbraio 2015:

SOHR documented in February 3, that IS militants executed 2 men from the city of Manbej in the northeast of Aleppo for “dealing with the infidel regime”. They also executed and crucified 2 other men in the town of Deir Hafer for the same charge. Another one was executed in the old Sena’ah area in the city of al- Raqqa on charge of “promoting drugs”, where the sources confirmed to the Observatory that IS arrested this man when he was trying to smuggle cigarettes, alcohol and drugs to the city of al- Raqqa days ago. In addition to, the Judiciary in Hraytan in the north of Aleppo executed 6 men ac charge of being “a cell working for the sake of the regime in the liberated areas by determining coordinates for the warplanes”, where they confessed of “dealing with the regime and informing it about movements of rebels”. They were sentenced to death for “apostasy”.

Esisteva davvero un Boulos Yakoub o Paul Jacob assassinato dall’ISIS? Secondo quanto riportato da News.va il Patriarcato iracheno nega l’esistenza di un sacerdote con tale nome:

Baghdad – The Chaldean Patriarchate “strongly denies recent news stories that report a priest being executed by Islamic State militants in Mosul”. In recent days, the Chaldean Archbishop Amel Shamon Nona – who recently moved from Mosul to the Eparchy of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Sidney of the Chaldeans – had already denied the false information about a mysterious Christian priest, of a certain Boulos Yakoub, detained by jihadists since last July.

The Patriarchate also stresses that there has never been a priest of this name in the Iraqi Church” and that all Christian priests fled the city when it fell into the hands of jihadists, on June 9. The Chaldean Patriarchate also asks media not to circulate these false rumors. Already in July Archbishop Amel Shamon Nona, in an interview with Fides, denounced “propaganda operations that often, disturbingly, according to the interests, also spread false information about the condition of Christians”.

Come vedete il Vaticano (“Vatikano”, come riportato nel tweet in esame) ha parlato anche tramite il suo network.

Nota per i soliti noti: l’articolo non nega l’esistenza di altri possibili casi. Fatevene una ragione e meno pippe mentali.

David Puente

Nato a Merida (Venezuela), vive in Italia dall'età di 7 anni. Laureato presso l'Università degli Studi di Udine, opera nel campo della comunicazione e della programmazione web.
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