Circola un curioso testo associato ad Adolf Hitler e a sua volta al Movimento 5 Stelle:
Noi non siamo un partito, i partiti sono morti!
Noi siamo un Movimento nuovo
che loro non hanno ancora capito.
Ci chiamano comunisti, socialisti, sindacalisti,
ma Noi non siamo nulla di tutto questo.
Ci hanno proposto alleanze ma Noi non ci uniremo a nessuno.
Loro sono già morti.
E noi li vogliamo vedere nella tomba.
Noi siamo diversi, siamo un Movimento inarrestabile.
Noi siamo il popolo.
Noi siamo i cittadini.[Adolf Hitler, comizio elettorale, 1932]
Questo testo circola dal 2013 e in vista delle elezioni italiane, non prima. Un’intervento del genere risulterebbe importante e da insegnare nelle scuole a futura memoria, se fosse del tutto vero.
Potete formulare teorie, fare collegamenti o ricostruzioni logiche/illogiche di ogni genere per sostenere che sia verosimile oppure no (e chi vuole che sia per forza vera lo farà a tutti i costi), ma di fatto è possibile ritrovare i discorsi di Adolf Hitler durante la campagna elettorale del 1932 (PDF) e in nessun testo o video viene riportata il testo fasullo che circola online dal 2013 con evidenti intenti.
Edit: come volevasi dimostrare, arriva qualcuno che sostiene che sia verosimile o che le frasi riportate nella citazione siano state realmente fatte da Hitler. Il tutto parte da questo video:
Ecco il testo in inglese:
My fellows Germans!
There is an awareness and a rising in our nation: a rising that shows that today millions of people have become aware that in this coming election there is more at stake than just deciding on a new coalition: yes, even more than the choosing of a new leadership. For the choice which faces us today is between security and overthrow: the two possible directions for Germany. One of these directions has prevailed for 60 to 70 years, and has shown what it can and cannot do. And it has taken up a reconstruction imagined along international lines, whether implemented by the bougeoisie or the Marxist parties. While the other has deliberately concentrated on the resources and strenght within ourselves in a united Germany in the truest sense of the word, without classes, strata, or religious differences.For 13 years this one Germany has governed. So the election propaganda of this Germany with its deeds and achievements. How many enemies today assert that the individual German strata are called upon as witnesses: that the farmers, the workers, the shop workers, the middle class, yes the whole economic community march with them as living witnesses for their works? Instead of this, they generally prefer not to speak of this 13 years, but rather to limit the entire election propaganda to a critique of the last six weeks, for which they say the national socialists are responsable.
But how this possible? We didn’t come up with the word “wait”. But it was called up by the president of the Reich: yes, by the Social democrats, the center party, that select him. So how should we be responsable? Yet even if this were so, I would readily accept the responsibility for these six weeks. But this gentleman should be willing to accept the responsibility for the last 13 years! Now they claim that for the last 13 years they’ve tried to do everything good, but only because of us were they prevented. For 13 years they have proven both economically and politically what they are capable of achieving. A nation economically destroyed, the farmers ruined, the middle class made destitute, the finances of wealthy lands and communities rotted out, everything bankrupt and seven million enemployed. They can twist it any way they want to, but they’re responsible for it! And it had to happen this way!
Does anyone really believe that a nation can achieve overall progress when its political life is so torn by inner strife as that of Germany? I saw, for example, the election proposals here a few hours ago: 34 parties! The working class, their own party. And to be sure not one, that would to be few; it has to be three or four. The bourgeoisie, that is so much more intelligent, needs even more parties. The middle class must have its parties, the economists their parties, the country people also their own party, and to be sure also three or four. And the gentlemen home owners must, in their especially interesting political way, express their world view through a party. And the gentlemen renters naturally cannot be left behind. And the Catholics also their own party, and the Protestants a party, and the Bavarians a party, and the Thuringers their own party, and the Wurtembergers yet an extra special party, and so on: 34 in a single country!
And this at a time when the greatest tasks stand before us, that can only be solved if the entire strenght of the nation is pulled together. Our opponents call National Socialists, and especially me, intolerant, incompatible people, claiming that we don’t want to help. And one politician sharpened this further by saying the National Socialists are not really German, since they refuse to work with other parties. So then is it typically German to possess 30 parties? I have learned one thing: the gentlemen are completely right: we are intolerant! I’ve set one goal before me: namely, to drive the 30 parties out of Germany!
They always confuse me with a bourgeois or with a Marxist politician; today he’s Spd, tomorrow Uspd, the next day Kpd, and then a syndicalist; or today a democrat and tomorrow in the German National Party, and then the economic party. They always confusing us with themselves. We’ve done one goal before us: to fanatically, ruthlessy, shove all these into the grave! I’ve seen this bourgeois mentally applied to the evaluation of our movement. Just a few months ago I met a Reichminister of the Interior who told me to disband all these people, make them take off their uniforms, and then make them become a neutral, pacifist democratic activity and sports club. Then they can come in, and I and the National Socialist movement will be gone: a simple formula.
This is how they think! They still don’t recognize that here it’s a matter of something completely different from just a bourgeois, political parliamentary party that cannot be disbanded, and whose members are merely further solidified by every pressure, and that the true Germany which this movement has revealed cannot be torn asunder. There’s a bourgeois politician who says: I will now tentatively withdraw as the National Socialists become broke: then I’ll go back to where I started; and then all of the people who had flocked to me will come back again.
This is how they think, because they simply cannot understand that this movement is held together by something that cannot be destroyed. Before these 30 parties were born there was a German people; and after the parties have passed away, the people will still remain. And we don’t want to be representatives of just an occupation, a class, a religion, or a land, but we want to so educate the German people that above all they will grasp that there is no life without justice, no justice without power, no power without strenght; that all strenght must originate in our own people.
Alcuni elementi sono interpretabili, come:
- “Ci chiamano comunisti, socialisti, sindacalisti” (anche se dice “They always confuse me with a bourgeois or with a Marxist politician; today he’s Spd, tomorrow Uspd, the next day Kpd, and then a syndicalist; or today a democrat and tomorrow in the German National Party, and then the economic party. They always confusing us with themselves.“);
- “Ci hanno proposto alleanze ma Noi non ci uniremo a nessuno” (anche se dice “And this at a time when the greatest tasks stand before us, that can only be solved if the entire strenght of the nation is pulled together. Our opponents call National Socialists, and especially me, intolerant, incompatible people, claiming that we don’t want to help. And one politician sharpened this further by saying the National Socialists are not really German, since they refuse to work with other parties.“);
- “Noi siamo diversi, siamo un Movimento inarrestabile. Noi siamo il popolo” (“This is how they think, because they simply cannot understand that this movement is held together by something that cannot be destroyed. Before these 30 parties were born there was a German people“);
- “E noi li vogliamo vedere nella tomba” (“We’ve done one goal before us: to fanatically, ruthlessy, shove all these into the grave!”)
Da nessuna parte si legge:
- “Noi non siamo un partito”;
- “i partiti sono morti”;
- “loro sono già morti”;
- “Noi siamo i cittadini”.
Un’operazione di “copia incolla sistema aggiungi interpreta” che non fa per niente bene e il testo diffuso di fatto rimane un falso ideato ad arte per attaccare una parte politica italiana.
Non solo, ricordiamo che il testo riportato nel video è in inglese e non in tedesco (come ho cercato io trovando il documento tratto da un corso universitario a Vienna sui testi e documenti della storia del Nazionalsocialismo).
Per quanto riguarda il testo citato come eventuale fonte da alcuni, “Discorsi di lotta e vittoria. Parole del Führer nel periodo della guerra“, ecco l’indice: